Surya Nanda Yoga Teachers

“Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.” ~ Rumi

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Medium-length hair with cute curls and a smiley face.Enthusiastic.Fashionista.Patient.These words simply describe one of the most amazing women I knew.She is not only a friend, but also one of those people whom I really look up to.

Her name is Claire.

And she was my yoga teacher.And she is still.

She is one of the teachers of Surya Nanda YOga Center. A premier class yoga center here in Cebu City, Philippines.Calm, relaxing ambience will definitely meet you when you came here.Smiley folks will greet you with the biggest smile ever.

Come and let’s explore the beauty, the happiness , the fulfillment that YOGA brings.

Here in Surya.

Now is the time.

Let’s Do Yoga.


photo not mine : photo courtesy of Miss Claire herself

My good read for today…;-)

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han Published by Simon & Schuster on April 15, 2014 Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance Pages: 288 Goodreads Amazon To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a […]

via Book Reivew- To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before — Keystroke Blog

My First Sup Yoga Experience; fear conquered indeed!

Be a warrior.Not a worrier 


The water.It was so inviting.The place, was excellent.And my fear , was just awesome.Awesome enough to make me feel this good.Good.After, my sup yoga experience

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As a yoga newbie, it was always been my fear to try some poses.It was and sometimes, it is still is.I don’t know, maybe the fear of not showing up to work the following day because of backpain contributes a lot.My friends? They always told me to be an ” adventurer” and thus, for me to take the risk of seeing my body turned upside down.Funny it is, I could still remember when I first tried the inversion.It was cool though.

The water added up to this.I love water but if ever you’ll be asking me if I am a good swimmer, I would definitely say , I am not.Neither, I will be.Good to know, my yoga teacher, Claire told me to be with them one Saturday morning.

And it changed my whole entire yogatic life,* exag

I was invited to a sup yoga event of Surya Nanda Yoga Center which was lead by Miss C.Paredes along with other yoga teachers, students, young and old alike, experts, yoga enthusiasts, both newbies and members.This was conducted  in one of the most beautiful, gorgeous hotel here in Cebu, the Plantation Bay Resort and Spa.It features the world’s private owned lagoon having colonnial themed rooms accompanied by one of a kind landscape and is located in Mactan,Cebu Philippines.Visiting this place is a dream come true to me.And doing sup yoga for the first time in this one-of-a-kind place is a bonus.An experience I will surely treasure for the rest of my life.

Then,it begun.I was hesitant then.Then, some old folks nearby came over and greeted me.One said ” Hey , first timer ? Me, I am ..good to see you today ..!”I smiled.That was my reply.At the back of my mind, 10 percent of my system is hoping she was not lying.90 percent of me, is telling me, I should go home and eat or watch my favorite tv drama instead.But at least, having the feeling that you are not the only ” newbie ” in town is such a relief for me.

Good to know that somebody feels what I’m feeling right now.Am I selfish?hehehe

I will be having a surfing board while doing some yoga poses.My first thought was, I dont know how to swim..I have water fears.What if I fall and no one will save me because they are busy minding their own stuffs.

And as we go along, as I go along, I realized that those thinking are just out of this world.Those were nonsense dramas.And I realized that conquering your fear towards things, especially those things that you want to try, you love but you are just afraid to take the risk are those things that will give you a sense of freedom and an ultimate satisfaction once those fears were gone and you leave them behind.

So, Follow your heart. Do Yoga.


photo credits to : C.Paredes / Surya Nanda Yoga

Surya Nanda Yoga Center


“Do your practice and all is coming.” ~ Sri K Patthabi Jois

Aside from practicing yoga itself, one of the key factors for successfully doing this discipline is to find the right yoga center that will suit you and will provide your needs as a yogi or yogist if you will go there by group.In addition, a yoga center is a consideration if we will be talking about the venue  wherein we could see folks from other side of our village,or simply our collegeaus that we’ve invited,may it be our sister or brother who saw us doing some yoga poses,a stranger whom we just met because we said ” hello ” before the yoga teacher said ” its time to start “.Just like any other yogi, me, personally wanted nothing but the best.

When it comes to my yoga practice, it took me a month or two just to find the right yoga center.Well, I’ve found one,two or three.I could say, I’ve got a lot when it comes to favorites.Some pictures are too follow and I’m  about to blog them pretty soon.I’ve found a lot, to be exact and fortunately, having them as my yoga centers are just so wonderful.The experience despite having those sweaty,achy-breaky poses, you will still end up thinking of ” When will be my next yoga session..?are indeed,worth my every single try.

Furthermore,we will not be only concerning about the yoga center itself but also the freebies they provided.I think,no one will ever welcome the most expensive yoga ever..unless that person is really right?Do you agree?If it’s not,well I respect you for that.If yes, I like you more because we are on the same page.( Laugh ) .And so, join me and let’s unlock the page from the book  of the wonders not of Narnia, but from my favorite yoga center from place where I am breathing right now,the Queen City of the South,Cebu.And my country is Philippines( If in case you want to know )!


Located on the 4th floor, Advent Business Center,Acacia St., Cebu City,Cebu Philippines,Surya Nanda provides one of the best amenities a yogi is particularly looking for;

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They are providing classes that are available during these days;


  • Sunday
    • 8:15a – 7:15p
  • Monday
    • 6:30a – 8:00p
  • Tuesday
    • 6:30a – 8:00p
  • Wednesday
    • 6:30a – 8:00p
  • Thursday
    • 6:30a – 8:00p
  • Friday
    • 6:30a – 8:00p
  • Saturday
    • 8:15a – 7:15p

Also, you can expect these following promos that also follows the respective holiday/season or an event of the year.The  following are as follows;



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They offer various yoga classes.I want to say they offer free karma yoga classes on Sundays.

For further info,feel free to  check;

photo credits : Ms.C.Paredes




Just A Few, Volume 1

Very inspiring article.Thanks much 😉

No Talent For Certainty

By the Waters of Loneliness” (December 2013) – this is about an experience I had one winter during my first marriage, while living near the beach in Florida.


I Tried to Dance” (October, 2014) – this poem deals with a particular type of heartbreak that many boys deal with, but few ever express.


Generations” (March, 2015) – One of my all-time favorite pieces. This is about how, sometimes, people in broken families pass on their brokenness.

Old Friend

Kiss the Dawn” (September, 2015) – This was a piece about a mood I was never quite successfully able capture before.

kiss the dawn

Whole Love” (February 2016) – My original purpose in poetry was to try to capture and express single thoughts or feelings. This is an example.

Whole Love

View original post

For me, yoga is…?

“Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.”
Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Life Style


At first, I thought it was.That it was indeed a religion.And that practicing it might change my mind.

And the next thing?Seeing myself converting from one religion to another.My parents won’t definitely agree.I’m afraid about the thought of making my mom do the talking while I am listening to her sermons about faith,God and the like.

And yes, I might be exaggerating.And that was the senseless thing ever- yoga negative thinking.

I was melancholic.Well, way back then….

I think, some people may people may disagree.Other people might do the other way around,and I will be thankful about it.Thankful that they will say ” yes ” to me, especially when I will be talking about , yoga already.

Yoga, which originated from India is the ” union ” of the mind and body.As what Buddha said ” The mind is powerful, what you think…you become ”

It isn’t only about just prayers.It’s meditation.Practicing yoga means being with yourself.Sitting there alone, closing your eyes, and thinking of all of your random thoughts,problems, what’s bothering you or anything in between.The goal ? To have a good and a flexible body with a more positive mind, releasing all the negativities during sessions.

It’s far more than just poses, yoga is a practice.A discipline, that will later becomes your theory

Then, it becomes a habit.

Then, an addiction.

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When I met Yoga

It was 2013.

As I recalled, it was raining hard and I was not supposed to go out since I don’t want to have some shoe-mud problems.I decided to chill and had some coffee instead.Well, movies can be a very good companion in cases like this.

Nothing to do, I decided to give Claire a phone call.My friend.Well,she is a yoga teacher with a great sense of humor and of course, her English speaking skills is really one of a kind.Such an admirable lady, she was.And she is ,until now.Way back, I was devastated to lose weight.I have some problems with my stomach and I don’t like to see the view of it,which goes big, and bigger as days passed me by.I think, I should take half of the blame and I should blame rice, for being so adorable, because I like it so much.So much that I am very addicted to it.

Second, stress was the big factor why I was so inlove with eating and later on, I just realized that I am not having a good shape anymore.I am thinking about gyms, do some work-out thinggy but later on, just changed my mind.Thinking how expensive it may seems and how impractical it is since going to the gym requires a lot of time, effort and a lot of pennies too.

And I can’t just say yes to it.Though, it almost came over me.

Then, I’ve found myself in that yoga center.I was so nervous way back then.I dont know what to do.Even imagining trying once, I never ever consider doing yoga.

Then, she encouraged me to do that pose.It was downward facing dog.Those 2 girls nearby find it very hard to stretch their legs.They said it was painful, since they are working just merely sitting down in front of their computers and just type some reports and boom ! done already.I was supposed to say , ” yeah , me too..I can feel you from here “.After doing some poses, I was approached by some friends. It was a wonderful experience as they are telling me how yoga changed their lives.Later on, I could recalled one peep who told me, ” I wish you could come is very nice”

And today,September 14,2016.

I remember that day. I remember that day when I met yoga.

That day was the turning point of my life.

And know, I will start blogging about it.




Wish me luck, folks ……